
WHO ARE WE..?? BRIGHT EAGLETS IS FUNDAMENTALLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIELD OF EDUCATION FROM ALMOST LAST TWO DECADES. THE SOCIETY IS PRACTICALLY WORKING IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION AND SKILL IN PUNJAB PROVINCE FROM MANY YEARS. THE EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY WAS LATER GOT OFFICIALLY REGISTERED WITH GOP. THE SOCIETY AND ITS MEMBERS ARE COMMITTED AND DEDICATED TO DELIVERING SKILL TO PEOPLE IN REMOTE AND DESERTED AREAS, TO CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLE AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. The educational society practically provides counseling to many institutes for adopting new methodologies for effective learning. The society after grand consultations planned to launch new educational short courses for needy and unemployed people to bring revolutionary betterment in human empowerment and employment generation. The required funds and other financial assistance were also generated by the members of the society to serve this noble cause. The Basic Motive of Bright Eaglets Group of colleges is to provide access and reach to every individual to USE TECHNOLOGY TO change LIVES.

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